
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,

once again we have come to wish each other in such difficult circumstances. It is yet another holiday during the pandemic that we spend away from our loved ones. But especially now, let us remember the message of Easter – about hope and about the victory of light over darkness. Let our faith in a better tomorrow allow us to find the strength to get through this difficult time we are facing.

We wish you a peaceful and healthy Easter!

Management Board and employees of the Krzyżowa Foundation

For staging the festival Krzyżowa-Music we are looking for interns to join our young, committed team in the core period of 11 August to 06 or 13 September 2021.

Our colleague from the Krzyżowa Foundation, head of communication and international cooperation, Dr. Anna Poznańska, appeared on Radio Wrocław in a programme entitled 'Mission Lower Silesia'.

Anna, who was born in Germany, talks about how the Polish-German school exchange influenced her life decisions, how she found herself in Wrocław, why she thinks Polish is like Latin and what she does in the Krzyżowa Foundation.

March 2021 will marked the first anniversary of the death of Dr Ewa Unger, co-founder of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe and long-time chairwoman of its board, long-time president of the Club of Catholic Intelligentsia in Wrocław, a Wroclaw native who worked throughout her life for Polish-German understanding.

As an active member of the Club of Catholic Intelligentsia in Wrocław, Dr Ewa Unger had since the 1970s maintained contact with Catholic lay groups in the Federal Republic of Germany and with members of the Action Reconciliation Service for Peace (Aktion Sühnezeichen) in the GDR. She became a mainstay of the partnership between the parishes of Wrocław and Dortmund, which in the 1980s was characterised by an exceptional will to help and solidarity with the Polish population suffering from a lack of food and medicines.

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