The Center for Ecological Activities „Źródła” organized an online conference "DO GOOD - global education in primary school" on 15-18 June 2020. It was attended by over 20 specialists from various fields, including Anna Dańkowska, project coordinator of Krzyżowa Foundation and co-author of the publication 'Recipe for a better world - we educate peers about food. Educational materials for young people aged 14-16 ".
Read more: Online conference || "DO GOOD - global education in primary school" (VIDEO)
What does the work at the Krzyżowa Foundation look like? Is it easy to gather a project team? How to coordinate the work of foreign partners? These are just some of the issues raised during the lecture for students of Social Project Management at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Wrocław.
The lecture in the form of an e-meeting was given on 1 June by dr Tomasz Skonieczny, deputy head of the European Academy, who presented the history of the foundation, organization and backstage of the Foundation's work.
The 75th anniversary of the end of World War II is an opportunity not only to celebrate the victory over Nazi Germany and the beginning of peaceful coexistence of European nations, but also to raise the question of what exactly happened in 1945 and why that year was not for throughout Europe meant the end of the fighting and the beginning of the reconstruction of the country.
That is why the Krzyżowa Foundation, in cooperation with the Silesian Institute, has prepared an educational project addressed to school youth and teachers, whose aim is to present the broadest possible perspective of the events of 1945, showing similarities and differences in the history of Poland and neighboring countries - as well as between Western European (and American) and Central European memory about the end of World War II.
Read more: Educational project || (Non) peace 1945. What brought the end of World War II?
What is the visual inspection? This is the first visit of the team who will design a garden for us! Bruno Zachariasiewicz from Fundacja Plastformers and Bartłomiej Święs from the Tecla architectural studio will undertake to design an ecological educational garden at the Foundation.
This task is one of the elements of the project "Food - with tradition in the future" financed by DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) and implemented in cooperation with Slow Food Germany. We chose a permaculture approach and a team that, together with the help of our employees and the involvement of a nearby school in Grodziszcze, will create a new place in Krzyżowa: an educational ecological garden.
Read more: Ecological educational garden - works have started