We joyfully recall the exceptional final concert of the international project "MUSIC FOR FUTURE" which took place on July 6, 2024, at the Center for Performing Arts (Piekarnia Żywa Kultura) in Wrocław. The concert featured a youth orchestra composed of talented young musicians from Poland, Ukraine, and Germany. It was not only a musical event but also a celebration of integration, mutual understanding, and collective creativity.
The concert began with a brief yet emotional piece by Terry Riley, "In C" setting the enchanting tone for the evening.
Following this, speeches and greetings were delivered:
Dorota Krajdocha, Board Member and Managing Director of the Krzyżowa Foundation, warmly welcomed everyone and emphasized the importance of international cooperation.
Yurii Tokar, Consul General of Ukraine in Wrocław, expressed his joy at participating in such a unique event.
Torsten Göhler, Deputy Consul General of Germany in Wrocław, highlighted the significance of culture and music in building bridges between nations.
Read more: "MUSIC FOR FUTURE" photo report from the final concert!
Young people from Fürstenwalde Spree, Skawina and Peremyshlany met in Krzyżowa on 11-17.05.2024 to get to know each other, break stereotypes and create beautiful memories together. During the project, the young people got to know each other and developed teamwork competences and knowledge about their countries during integration and cultural workshops.
Read more: The TRIYOU trilateral meeting Fürstenwalde Spree, Skawina and Peremyshlany, 11-17.05.2024
On 14.06 we launched a new project with the graceful name "Gardens at schools as a tool for community education, integration and adaptation."
The project is about establishing gardens, food production, our food habits, as well as recreational, artistic and therapeutic values. We passed the time getting to know each other's students, teachers and parents from the Elementary Schools of Lutomia Dolna, Grodziszcz and Witoszow Dolny, where educational gardens will be created.
Read more: Opening of the project (photo report) - "Gardens by the schools..."
On the last weekend of May, the Bosch Alumni Forum was held in Krzyzowa for the third time!
The Bosch Alumni Forum was attended by more than 50 people from all over the world with their families. This is an annual meeting of alumni and graduates of various programs of the Robert Bosch Foundation.
Read more: This was the third meeting of the Bosch Alumni Forum in Krzyżowa