At the beginning of October, the Managing Director of our Foundation, Robert Żurek, and the Head of Communication and International Cooperation, Paulina Maloy, held a series of meetings with Krzyżowa Foundation partners in Warsaw. We are grateful for the time and discussions with Ms. Agnieszka Kowalska, Director of the European Policy Department, Dr. hab. Sebastian Płóciennik, Member of the Board and Director of the Polish-German Cooperation Foundation, Mr. Michał Braun, Director of the National Freedom Institute, and his Deputy, Ms. Adela Gąsiorowska.
We were also honored to meet with the Deputy Minister of Education, Joanna Mucha, from the Ministry of National Education.
Meanwhile, preparations are in full swing for the 35th anniversary of the Reconciliation Mass in Krzyżowa this November! To discuss key points, our Managing Director, Dorota Krajdocha, and Director of Development and Innovation, Aleksandra Królak-Wąsowicz, met with Bartłomiej Strózik, Mayor of Świdnica Municipality.
We look forward to the upcoming collaborations and meetings!
Read more: October Filled with Meetings with Krzyżowa Foundation Partners
SMALL ESSEN Polish-German place of (non)memory. Temporary photo exhibition in Krzyzowa!
The exhibition can be seen in our Palace, at the May Hall (room 204) until 17.Nov. 2024r.
The creator of the exhibition is Prof. Krzysztof Ruchniewicz.
You are cordially invited!
If you are interested, please contact Dominik Kretschmann in advance
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The school classes of Städtisches Gymnasium Thomaeum from Kempen and the Association of Local Initiatives Przystań (Port) from Ulanów spent their exchange week in Krzyżowa from 27-31 August 2024, parallel to the international chamber orchestra project Krzyżowa Music, because the encounter was dedicated to the medium of music and discovering other cultures with its help.
The 33 participants aged between 12 and 16 therefore also took part in the opening concert of Krzyżowa Music in the Peace church in Świdnica.
This time, the participants discovered Krzyżowa in a completely new way - through sounds, which they captured in small international groups at various locations in Krzyżowa, recorded on tablets and used to develop a composition, in which a wide variety of instruments were used and there were no limits to the group's creativity. The work of the small groups culminated in a concert of sound compositions.
The Artistic Council of the Konrad and Paweł Jarodzki Artist-in-Residence Programme (Bożena Grzyb-Jarodzka, Renata Jarodzka, Rafał Jarodzki, Anna Kudarewska, Zbigniew Libera, Dorota Monkiewicz, Ruth Noack, Joanna Sokołowska, Vera Zalutskaya) has selected artists to participate in the upcoming edition of the programme in September and October 2024. The work of the Council is supported by the Permanent Guests: Maryna and Michal Czaplinski. Joanna Sokolowska is the curator of the programme.
The following artists have been selected for the programme: Alaa Abu Asad, Uladzimir Hramovich, Gayatri Kodikal, Beata Rojek, Annette Ruenzler.