The end of October was a joyful time for us, when we managed to organize another Polish-German youth exchange. Students from the Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Nr 4 im. Kazimierza Wielkiego in Siedlce and Regine-Hildebrandt-Gesamtschule in Birkenwerder visited us from 25 to 30 October 2021.
In total, 21 girls and boys from Poland and Germany took part in anti-discrimination workshops, art workshops and language animations.The integration was facilitated by cooking together, time spent in nature, a trip to Świdnica and visiting the local Church of Peace.
Read more: ||REPORT|| Siedlce-Birkenwerder school exchange – 25-30.10.2021
How is the world changing on our eyes? Where are the limits of progress and development? Do values, concepts of "good" and "evil" are still relevant?
What will the world look like after a pandemic? What kind of crises are we facing and will we face? What wounds will we heal in the future?
What kind of future are we building for our children?
Is a world with no borders still possible? Borders that mark the end of progress, as well as those that separate us from others?
The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe and the Evangelical School of Theology together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland would like to invite you to an online debate which will take place on 20th November (Saturday) at 5pm.
Read more: ||Online debate|| The world with (no) borders - 20 November 2021, at 17:00
In February, the first part (online) of the meeting planned for May in Krzyżowa took place. It was a seminar devoted to Cultural aspects in education for a socio-ecological transformation.
During our Czech-Polish-German seminar we raised some questions e.g. how can aspects of diversity such as language, socio-historic or economic background, age, gender, education, ethnic or urban/rural backgrounds influence our understanding of / openness towards a socio-ecological change? And how educators should be aware of and deal with in this field of work?
We used a mix of methods, including the sharing of experiences, brainstorming sessions, inputs.
Thank you: Ekumenická akademie, and the Kreisau- Inititative e.V. for fruitful cooperation, and the Erasmus+ programme for funding.
At the beginning of October, in Prague, a meeting of the partners of the project PartESDD (PartESDD- Partnership for Education for sustainable development and Degrowth Education) took place. The project, which was initiated at the end of 2020, assumes substantive cooperation with organisations from Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany. The exchange of experiences and ideas between the partners is intended to support education for social and ecological transformation in the respective countries. Thematic educational materials will be developed jointly, with an emphasis on intercultural aspects.
It was precisely this aspect of education that the meeting in the Czech capital was devoted to. Its first part, conducted in an online form, provided theoretical foundations for issues related to teaching and training. In Prague, educators from the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany exchanged concrete experiences. The result of this work was a 'toolkit', which is the starting point for our joint work on the first Czech methodology handbook on education for sustainable development!
Read more: PartESDD project partners meeting - Prague, October 2021