What do we know about our countries? How well can we communicate with each other? From 29.05.2023 to 02.06.2023 forty students from Lubsko (Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa im Noblistów Polskich) and Forst (Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gymnasium) traveled to Krzyżowa to get to know each other better and to exchange ideas. It was special within this exchange that the students from the border region often spoke or at least learned both languages. Thus, the focus of the week was on language animation and integration.
In a workshop, the participants were able to exchange their country knowledge and had a lot of fun teaching each other tongue twisters. They were dancing together, having party around the campfire and a joint day trip to Wrocław. A highlight was definitely the painting of bags in the Krzyżowa art workshop, where the students put in a lot of effort and made really nice souvenirs for each other. Great that you brought so much openness and creativity with you and see you next time!
"Come home alive!", "Win!", "May the Lord take care of you! We pray for you!" - these are the slogans we can read on the huge Ukrainian flag donated to our foundation by soldiers fighting at the front.
The flag was prepared by Ukrainian citizens who wanted to give encouragement to those fighting at the front in Bakhmut. After a few months, the soldiers decided to donate the gift to our foundation as a sign of gratitude for the work we do for people in Ukraine.
The touching slogans on the flag form a litany full of pain:
"Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes of the Armed Forces!"
Read more: Gift from Ukrainian soldiers to the Krzyzowa Foundation
From May 22 to 26, two partner schools from the Hanseatic cities were hosted in Krzyzowa as part of a school exchange: the Sterntalerstrasse school from Hamburg and the Dr. Urszula Mroczkiewicz Elementary School No. 15 from Gdansk, each with 15 students from fourth and fifth grades! After a fun-filled day of integration and an excursion to Görlitz/Görlitz, the children worked on a shadow play that connects the two cities: it tells the story of a drop of water that enters the water cycle through a toilet in Hamburg and, after an adventurous journey, ends up in a rain barrel in Gdansk. In this way, the children were able to experience an artistic connection between their hometowns.
On Friday, 2 June, PhD Robert Zurek - Managing Director, Board Member of the Krzyzowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe will give a lecture on 'Germany-Poland, Poland-Ukraine and their path from enmity to partnership'.
The meeting with PhD Zurek is organised as part of the KAAD (Katholischer Akademischer Ausländer-Dienst) International Academy.
Programme of the entire meeting in german language:
2023 05 30 Programm und Ausschreibung KAAD Auslandsakademie final.pdf
Read more: Lecture by PhD Robert Zurek at the KAAD International Academy, 02.06.2023 Lublin