What do we know about our countries? How well can we communicate with each other? From 29.05.2023 to 02.06.2023 forty students from Lubsko (Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa im Noblistów Polskich) and Forst (Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Gymnasium) traveled to Krzyżowa to get to know each other better and to exchange ideas. It was special within this exchange that the students from the border region often spoke or at least learned both languages. Thus, the focus of the week was on language animation and integration.
In a workshop, the participants were able to exchange their country knowledge and had a lot of fun teaching each other tongue twisters. They were dancing together, having party around the campfire and a joint day trip to Wrocław. A highlight was definitely the painting of bags in the Krzyżowa art workshop, where the students put in a lot of effort and made really nice souvenirs for each other. Great that you brought so much openness and creativity with you and see you next time!
Project coordination: Sarah Schumayer
Project financing: