In Krzyżowa we are preparing to create an educational ecological garden. In connection with this project, a permaculture design workshop was held in June.
The garden is created by the Tecla Architecture Studio with the support of the Plastformers Foundation in the spirit of participation, i.e. with the active participation of the team consisting of employees of the Krzyżowa Foundation. (Gardentim), with whom the designers consult various assumptions about the garden. Thanks to the workshops, even more people could be involved in the process of creating this unique place. These were mainly people from Krzyżowa's immediate surroundings, mostly teachers, but also educators and those who care about ecology and gardening!
The workshop was divided into three parts.
We started with a webinar, during which Bruno Zachariasiewicz from the Plastformers Foundation presented how to design gardens according to nature and guided the participants through the ethical and practical principles of permaculture design.
During the second part, willing and ready for such a "live" meeting, the participants had the opportunity to make on-site observations in Krzyżowa, which are so important for permaculture design, to collect data, analyse them and draw conclusions for further design stages. They got to know various tools that help in this: from the A-frame used in antiquity to the determination of levels - to computer simulations of the wandering of the sun in the sky.
The third part of the workshop was again an online meeting and the use of the acquired theoretical knowledge and field data to play the designers.
The workshop was part of a project implemented by the Krzyżowa Foundation in cooperation with Slow Food Germany and financed by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt: "Food - with tradition in modernity. Nurturing and developing the perception of regional and seasonal food values. Environmental communication and food education in a European context".
The next series of workshops are planned for autumn 2020 and spring 2021.