Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe
together with
the “Remembrance and Future” Centre

and partners
the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau

invite you to
opening of the exhibition and a ceremonial concert
on the occasion
30th anniversary of the Polish-German signing
A treaty of Good Neighbourhood and Friendly Cooperation.

Krzyżowa, 4 September 2021

 The Krzyżowa-Music concert will also be available LIVE on the website of the Krzyżowa Foundation and on the social profiles of the Krzyżowa Foundation.
[Polish version – Facebook, German version:]

On 4th of September, Krzyżowa celebrated the 30th anniversary of signing the German-Polish Treaty of Good Neighbourhood and Friendly Cooperation. As part of the project '8 x reconciliation' carried out by the Krzyżowa Foundation since May this year, there was an opening of the exhibition 'Neighbours in Europe' and a solemn concert with the participation of musicians of the Krzyżowa-Music Chamber Music Festival.

On that special day, Krzyżowa hosted many people from Poland and Germany, including representatives of state and local authorities. They all emphasized the importance of cooperation between both nations and strengthening of already developed ties.

The opening of the exhibition "Neighbours in Europe" was attended by Dr.  Marek Mutor - Director of the Centre "Memory and Future" in Wrocław, who was a co-author of the exhibition. The concert of Krzyżowa-Music was preceded by speeches by Dr. Robert Żurek- Managing Director of the Krzyżowa Foundation, Katja Meier- Minister of European Affairs of Saxony, Krzysztof Bramorski- Plenipotentiary of the Lower Silesian Marshal for International Relations and Beata Moskal- Słaniewska- Mayor of Świdnica.

We would like to thank all the guests and participants of the event as well as all those who followed our celebrations via social media.

Today, an exceptional event took place in Krzyżowa - the vernissage crowning the first part of the Artistic Residence project "Sztuka. Land. Art." It was opened by Anna Kudarewska, program director of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe, and was graced by the presence of Doris Wildemann from the Department of Culture of the Consulate General of Germany in Wrocław. The vernissage was also attended by the organizers of the ongoing Krzyżowa-Music Festival, employees of the Krzyżowa Foundation and the participants of the bicycle trip from Oświęcim to Westerbrock, "Terug naar Westerbork", who were visiting us.

Over the past few weeks, two artists from Germany and Poland - Elke Burkert and Jarek Lustych - have been working in Krzyżowa on an artistic statement that would combine nature with the social aspect. This is how the work entitled "Wall can do” was created. The artists decided to use in their work the wall located on the foundation's site, which is now practically useless. It inspired them as a symbol of a division that can be broken not by force, but by daily, repetitive and sometimes arduous work. Similar to what members of the Kreisau Circle did. They was seemingly divided, followers of different views, but worked together on the project of a new state without walls and divi-sions.

On 8 September, as part of the project "8 x reconciliation", a meeting was held with Dr Annemarie Franke, author of the book "These are not enemies, these are people. Ewa Unger (1926-2020)". The discussion, moderated by Dominik Kretschmann (Head of Memorial Site of the Krzyżowa Foundation), was an opportunity to look at the history of Polish-German relations from the perspective of an extraordinary woman, co-founder of the Krzyżowa Foundation.

Dr. Annemarie Franke presented Ewa Unger's life story, illustrating it with archival photographs and documents.

By learning about this very interesting biography, we could see how personal contacts, experiences and attitudes of concrete people shaped the process of reconciliation between Poles and Germans.

The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe invites you to a presentation of a work by the artistic duo - Jarek Lustych and Elke Burkert. The opening will take place on 23.08.2021 at 13.00 on the premises of the Krzyżowa Foundation. The work is a result of the first international artistic residency “Art. Land. Art” realized with the support of the Consulate General of Germany in Wrocław.

We would like to remind you that Krzyżowa is hosting the Artistic Residency project "Art. Land. Art."  Two artists take part in it - Elke Burkert from Germany and Jarek Lustych from Poland - who are working on a joint project. 

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