On 20-21 May, meetings of Supervisory Board and Council of "Krzyżowa" Foundation took place in Krzyżowa. Representatives of the Honorary Council also took part in the meeting. The last period posed many challenges and new tasks for the Foundation and we are very pleased that we had the opportunity to discuss them in such a large audience.

An important item on the agenda was the summary of the past year in the Foundation, but also further work on the strategy for the development of our organisation. This part of the meeting order was also attended by employees of the Foundation, as well as the directors of our partner organisations: Nina Lüders from the Kreisau-Initiative Association from Berlin and Anna Quirin from the Freya von Moltke Foundation.

Another very important topic of meetings and discussions with members of our committees were aid activities, in which the Foundation has been involved since the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

We would like to thank everyone for coming to Krzyżowa and for very interesting meetings.



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