"The Pastoral Letter of the Polish Bishops to their German Brothers", which was created in 1965 on the initiative of the Polish episcopate, is considered one of the first steps on the path of Polish-German reconciliation after the Second World War. The content of the document, the author of which was bishop Bolesław Kominek, was certainly consulted with the then primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. On the eve of his beatification, Dr. Robert Żurek, managing director of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe, recalls the important role Cardinal Wyszyński played in shaping Polish-German relations:

"The Primate at various times in history was able to firmly oppose certain anti-Polish voices and tendencies that came from West Germany, but on the other hand he understood that reconciliation and good relations with Germany were part of the Polish raison d'état".

We encourage you to read the full expert statement (in Polish): Portal Samorządowy.

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