The Maximilian-Kolbe-Foundation is organizing workshops on the heritage of Auschwitz for the 12th time. The meeting entitled “On dealing with the past of Auschwitz burdened by violence. Invitation to broaden perspectives ”will be held at the seat of the Krakow Foundation for the Centre for Dialogue and Prayer in Oświęcim , on 11-16 August.
One of the guests of this event will be dr hab. Robert Żurek, managing director of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe, who will take part in a meeting on the significance of Maksymilian Kolbe in the process of Polish-German reconciliation and in a lecture by workshop participants on the memory of World War II and Auschwitz in their countries.

The detailed program of the workshops 12_European_Workshop_in_Oświęcim.pdf

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