The outdoor exhibition „After the Great War. A New Europe 1918-1923”, created by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS) in cooperation with an international group of historians, will be presented in Poland for the first time. From 18 June to 8 July 2020, it will be presented at Plac Wolności in Wrocław. The partner of this event is the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe.

The First World War completely changed East-Central Europe. Upon the ruins of four old empires, a dozen or so new countries appeared and almost all borders were redrawn, often in course of continued military conflicts, which lasted even until 1923. After having suffered very high losses, the region started rebuilding and modernising efforts. A New Europe was established.
The exhibition „After the Great War. A New Europe 1918-1923” focuses on these turbulent years. Over 200 archive and multimedia materials – pictures, maps and films together with individual stories of people who lived back in these times – present a complex yet coherent picture of New Europe established in Central-East part of the continent after the Great War.

So far, the exhibition has been hosted, among others in Prague, Sarajevo, Berlin, Verdun and Bratislava.

Pictures of the exhibition from Prague and Berlin, by Dominik Tryba.



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