Corona has affected the daily lives of each and every individual in the earth, including our pedagog Tabitha from Germany and our volunteers Seda from Turkey and Antonina from Russia, who have been staying in Krzyżowa Foundation for months. The following sentences will tell you their daily lifes and how they try to turn this challenging situation into a common good for the society and the foundation. Not to forget mentioning about the generous helps and supports of our other employees, we hope our stories bring you inspiration and strength towards the solidarity in these difficult times.

We are sewing masks for hospitals!

With the inspiration that we got from Agnieszka KORTAS, the initiator of the action "We make together the masks for the Hospital >LATAWIEC<", Tabitha, Tonya and Seda have been sewing masks for the action recently and there are more than 100 masks that were finished and are waiting to be sent to the hospitals. These masks will be used by the volunteers who are working at the hospitals in the fight against COVID-19. We hope this small contribution of ours to this big action will spread the inspiration and help to build a solidarity during this Corona-infected days.

Our rallies will be more fun to play!

When groups visit our foundation for educational purposes, we often offer them entertaining races with mind-triggering challenges. These rallies are highly related to the history and philoshopy of Krzyżowa and therefore, they help the visitors to discover the past with their own feet and hands. Since we have been doing these rallies for years usually in a manual format, we think it is a good opportunity for us to transfer the knowledge into an online platform and use the benefits of technology. Therefore, our volunteers Tonya and Seda recently have been working on some apps to create the online versions of these rallies of ours, with the help of our pedagog Agnieszka. Hopefully, these rallies will be more entertaining for our prospective groups in near future. We are already so excited!

Cleaning can make you feel better!

Despite difficult times due to the Corona virus we try to find the positive moments in isolation. For example, our volunteers Antonina and Seda have decided to clean up not only the office, but also our creative room, where we make magic with teenagers during creative workshops. Free time is given to us not only for active thinking and eating our favorite snacks, but also for various physical activities that make our lives diverse and in our case, clean and orderly. We encourage you to pick up brushes, rags and wash every little corner that is full of the remnants of your fruitful work over the past few years. Let's clean up together and enjoy the results of the work you've done.

The moment we rediscovered the gardening abilities!

Thanks to several wonderful warm days, our volunteers Antonina and Seda, as well as our employees Tabitha, Karolina and Charlotte, rediscovered their abilities in gardening. Together they cleaned up the garden beds of our Foundation, planted new flowers and vegetables, of course keeping a safe distance and spreading positive energy along with great music. However, it was only the beginning of our joint plans to improve the territory of the Foundation, grow various vegetables and take care of flowers that will bring joy during the summer times.



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