
August 2021

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About Krzyżowa on the air of Polish Radio 2

In August, in Krzyżowa, we hosted the Polish Radio Program 2 crew, which recorded materials for the programme from the series „Dwójka na miejscu. Z biegiem lat, z biegiem rzek”. In the episode, the le... read more..

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||8 x reconciliation|| Exhibition "Neighbours in Europe" - Krzyżowa, 24.08.- 8.10.2021

From 24 August to 8 October, as a part of the project "8 x reconciliation", an exhibition "Neighbours in Europe" is presented in the courtyard of the palace in Krzyżowa. The exhibition was created o read more..

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||REPORT|| Vernissage "wall can do / co w murze może / Mauer kann machen" - 23.08.2021

Today, an exceptional event took place in Krzyżowa - the vernissage crowning the first part of the Artistic Residence project "Sztuka. Land. Art." It was opened by Anna Kudarewska, program director of... read more..

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Participants of the cycling rally "Back to Westerbork" in Krzyżowa - 23.08.2021

On Saturday, 21 August 2021, a Netherlands-German-Polish cycling expedition set off from Oświęcim in Poland to Westerbork in the Netherlands on a route of 1320 km. Sixty young people from Poland, Germ... read more..

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The 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia through the eyes of Poles and Czechs || Presentation of a documentary film

The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe in cooperation with the Czech organisation Post Bellum, thanks to the support of the Polish-Czech Forum and the Czech Ministry of Foreign Aff... read more..

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Diorama exhibition "Boberhaus / Dom nad Bobrem"- 17.08-5.09.2021

From 17 August to 25 September 2021, the Boberhaus diorama will be presented at the headquarters of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe. It is a model showing the now non-exis read more..

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||INVITATION|| wall can do / co w murze może / Mauer kann machen - Krzyżowa, 23.08.2021, 1 pm

The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe invites you to a presentation of a work by the artistic duo - Jarek Lustych and Elke Burkert. The opening will take place on 23.08.2021 at 13... read more..

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The Art Residency project „Sztuka. Land. Art.” has been started in Krzyżowa

The Art Residency project „Sztuka. Land. Art.” is underway in Krzyżowa. Two artists take part in it - Elke Burkert from Germany and Jarek Lustych from Poland - who are working on a joint project. Be read more..

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Dr hab. Robert Żurek will be a guest of the workshop "On dealing with the past of Auschwitz burdened by violence" 11-16.08.2021

The Maximilian-Kolbe-Foundation is organizing workshops on the heritage of Auschwitz for the 12th time. The meeting entitled “On dealing with the past of Auschwitz burdened by violence. Invitation read more..

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