
July 2020

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Inauguration of the Outdoor Cinema in Krzyżowa - 23.07.2020

The inauguration of the Outdoor Cinema in Krzyżowa is behind us. On Thursday, 23 July, in the courtyard in front of the palace, the Polish musical comedy "Gotowi na wszystko. Exterminator" directed by... read more..

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Outdoor Cinema in Krzyżowa - "Gotowi na wszystko. Exterminator" - 23.07.2020

For reasons beyond our control, we had to change the repertoire of the Outdoor Cinema. Instead of the film "Bohemian Rhapsody" directed by Bryan Singer, the film "Gotowi na wszystko. Exterminator" b read more..

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The project ‘1990 / Year One. The democratic transformation in former Eastern Bloc countries’, received funding from the Europe for Citizens programme.

We are pleased to inform that the project of the "Krzyżowa" Foundation, entitled ‘1990 / Year One. The democratic transformation in former Eastern Bloc countries’, received funding from the Europe f read more..

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German-Polish seminar "Ways of Freedom" - 18.07.2020 - report

This year's "Ways of Freedom" took place on 18 July in an unusual, although typical of the current pandemic situation, online format. The project was implemented with the support of the Foundation for... read more..

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The Krzyżowa Foundation carries out further projects increasing the level of vocational education in the region

From September, the Krzyżowa Foundation starts implementing two more projects, for which it obtained funds from the European Union and the state budget under the Regional Operational Program of the Lo... read more..

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Guided tour at Krzyżowa in Polish! - special summer offer

We invite you to Krzyżowa and to visit our historic property. During the holiday season we have prepared a special offer of guided tours in Polish for our guests. Details of the offer: What? Guided ... read more..

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Become our Donor!

Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe has been in existence for over 30 years, building civil society and working for dialogue between nations. However, this year the coronavirus pand... read more..

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Summary of BarCamp "(Hi)Storytelling: My History, Your History, Our History" - 25-26.06.2020 (PHOTO)

On 25 and 26 June 2020, the first joint online "non-conference" organized by the Kreisau-Initiative e.V. and Krzyżowa Foundation team took place. This "non-conference" is a format called BarCamp ori read more..

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Project || "#CreatingSpace A Digital Future with Ethics in Mind”

Almost a year ago, we, the Krzyzowa Foundation and our partner, the Kreisau-Initiative e.V., won the NETTZ-Förderpreis. The project “#CreatingSpace A digital future with ethics in mind” was awarded. T... read more..

Results 1 - 9 of 9

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