From February 21st to 27st, in Krzyżowa Foundation took place the second part of the training cycle 'smART history'. The trilateral training was addressed to civic education multipliers working with youth at memorial sites. During the second meeting, the participants from France, Germany and Poland were going to get to know theatrical techniques and were going to work jointly on the topic of French-German and Polish-German reconciliation.
The methodology of training was very diverse. In addition to theoretical impulses, the workshops offered the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and try out the methods in an intercultural group.
Topics discussed during the training:
- models of pedagogical work in historical and civic education,
- entangled history method and intercultural perspective on history,
- processes of Polish-German and German-French reconciliation,
- intercultural learning and intercultural education methods in history projects,
- creative and innovative working methods based on theatre in historical-political education.
Videoclip "smART history"
Documentary "smART history"
The training took place within the frame the 30th Jubilee of Krzyżowa Foundation and was co-organized by Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V. (DE) and Histoire de Savoirs (FR).