How should the Krzyżowa Foundation behave in the face of the climate crisis, environmental degradation and deepening social and environmental problems? We believe that it has a duty to ask courageous questions, to criticise the exploitation of the planet and people, to seek constructive solutions for a better future, and to support attitudes of respect for nature, Earth's resources and solidarity with others.
The Foundation, which runs a large educational centre and hosts more than 10,000 people from many countries every year, has considerable possibilities for pro-ecological activities. At the same time, it is statutorily obliged to do so. The Statute recommends the implementation of tasks for, among others, "ecology and animal protection and protection of natural heritage". In addition, it defines as an objective of the Foundation "to stimulate and support activities aimed at the consolidation of a peaceful and tolerant coexistence of nations, social groups and individuals", while the climate crisis and environmental degradation are increasingly a threat to peace.
Since the beginning of the Foundation's existence, ecological activities have taken place. In recent years, however, this area has been strengthened and is being developed more intensively. It is important for us to strive for consistency of the content of educational activities with the practical functioning of the centre run by the Foundation. That is why we are making efforts to offer such a space for environmental education that supports the principles of sustainable development.
Our organisation has had an eco-development team called the Green Table for several years. It is a discussion and implementation forum, involving employees of all departments, both substantive, technical and administrative. Thanks to this composition, the Green Table can effectively, creatively and realistically propose, consult and then help in the implementation of pro-ecological solutions in various areas of our activity.
Currently, the management of the Foundation, with the support of the Green Table, is developing a concept that sets out directions for eco-development in various areas of our activity.
Environmental education and communication
Ecology is one of the key topics undertaken by the Foundation in its educational activities. Providing high quality non-formal education in the field of climate, nature, ecology and sustainable development is a constant ambition of the Foundation. We develop and use innovative methods of environmental education, such as those presented in educational materials on sustainable food. The first such materials in Poland are developed in the spirit of peer education. We also create educational materials in other areas of environmental education. We make sure that our staff and people cooperating with the Foundation include educators and specialists with appropriate competences.
Being aware of how extensive the subject matter of environmental education is, the Foundation decided to develop its selected branches first of all:
- Education on sustainable food brings together various threads related to the environment, climate change, global dependency, natural resources and the wasteful exploitation. In addition, the subject of food is close to children and young people, and its often abstract and complicated relationships can be shown in a simple way. The rural location is also conducive to establishing contacts with food producers and carrying out projects together.
Nature education in green areas. The lack of contact with nature is becoming an increasingly serious problem for children, young people and also adults. Contact with nature is essential to build a sense of belonging to the natural world and to recognise us humans as part of the ecosystem. This allows us to change our approach to using nature's goods and to develop a deep respect for the environment.
- Global education is an educational perspective that results from the fact that today's people live and interact in an increasingly globalised world. It helps to develop critical thinking, a change of perspective and the competence to reflect on the complex relationship between common social, environmental, political and economic issues. It promotes an attitude of responsibility for the Earth, as well as for the countries of the global South and future generations.
The Foundation manages thirteen buildings, which are intensively used by visitors (more than 30,000 overnight stays per year) and employees (several dozen people working on the premises of the Foundation every day). Such a large infrastructure (still being renovated and retrofitted) and such intensive activity generates considerable consumption of resources, and at the same time the need to reduce it.
We are aiming to reduce CO2 emissions from the Foundation's activities and to manage resources more and more efficiently, especially in terms of electricity, water and waste production. One of the most important investments of recent years has been to change the fuel used to heat the entire centre. Thanks to the replacement of heating oil with wood chips, CO2 emissions have been significantly reduced. Systems for using rainwater in toilets are being installed in other buildings. It was also possible to replace more than 90% of the 3500 light bulbs with LEDs. Due to the special nature of the facility (care of the conservator), it is not always possible to realize all the assumptions - e.g. we cannot install solar panels on most roofs.
Green areas
The advantage of the centre's location is the natural values of the area. The surroundings of the Foundation are varied in terms of habitat (e.g. fields, unmown meadows, pond, ditch with reed rushes, young deciduous forest, feral fruit orchard etc.). Such habitat heterogeneity has a positive impact on the diversity of plant and animal species. The Foundation takes care of green areas in its surroundings and aims to use the natural potential of Krzyżowa for educational and recreational purposes. The care of the greenery is carried out in a way that interferes with it as little as possible and that encumbers the environment, supporting biodiversity.
There is a mass catering kitchen and a restaurant on the premises of the Foundation, where about 127,000 meals are prepared each year. Huge amounts of food are used for this purpose. The pro-ecological activities we undertake in the area of food are connected with offering wholesome, tasty vegetarian and vegan dishes (on a daily basis in the menu), thanks to which it is possible to limit the consumption of meat and animal products, as well as ensuring the greatest possible share of local, seasonal and, if possible, ecological products.
Local community
One of the principles of a sustainable approach is to support the local community. Creating ties, conducting dialogue and deepening cooperation with the local community, supporting pro-environmental undertakings in the area, taking care of the common environment of the Foundation and the inhabitants are among our eco-development goals. The Foundation runs a kindergarten for children from the region, volunteers give English lessons to local youth, projects for seniors and events for residents promoting pro-ecological attitudes are implemented.
Action for sustainable development is not easy for a non-governmental organisation with huge needs and limited resources. That is why the Foundation sets itself ambitious goals, but achievable in the reality of its operation. We want to further develop our environmental activities, despite all the difficulties that such an undertaking brings with it. We believe that the commitment to a fairer, more sustainable and greener world is essential today and is an expression of our Foundation's responsibility for a good future for us all.
Anna Dańkowska - Coordinator of the European Academy projects in 2018-2020; currently a freelancer cooperating with the Krzyżowa Foundation
Dr Robert Żurek - Member of the Board, Managing Director of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe
The "Green Krzyżowa" tab was created thanks to the funding of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.