Time flies and by now the re-encounter of the pupils from Israel and Poland has already ended. Their meetings, first in Haifa and now in Krzyżowa, were possible within the framework of the project „A living bridge Haifa-Dzierżonów”, financially supported by the polish ministry of national education. Having met first in Haifa, in Ocober, the participants came now to Krzyżowa. Here the students dealt intensively with the interwoven history of Israel and Poland, guided by the trainers of Krzyżowa Foundation.

One of the main topics were this year´s anniversaries: 70 years Israel and 100 years of polish independence. The program offered occasions to discuss cultural heritage and jewish life past and present in Lower Silesia. During the visit in Wroclaw christian and jewish traditions were experienced: enjoying the colourful Christmasmarket and taking part in the Hanukkah candle lighting in front of the Stork Synagogue.

The participants were of course not just working and studying but also having fun, they visited the polish participant´s school in Dzierzoniow and had a guided tour in Krzyzowa. Being in Wroclaw they also visited the centre „Remembrance and Future“.

The project was documented on a blog, very soon the posts will be complete: haifadzierzoniow.blogspot.com

Project Coordination: Adelajda Lebioda (International Youth Meeting Centre Krzyzowa Foundation)
Trainers: Dominik Kretschmann, Zuzanna Kornet (Memorial Site Krzyzowa Foundation)
Support: Tetiana Buchok (Volunteer International Youth Meeting Centre Krzyzowa Foundation)


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