Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wrocławskich KOGENERACJA S.A., a PGE
Energia Ciepła belonging to the PGE Capital Group, is a producer of electricity
electricity and heat produced in high-efficiency cogeneration, in the Wrocław agglomeration
Wrocław metropolitan area. KOGENERACJA consists of three cogeneration plants: EC Wrocław,
EC Zawidawie and EC Czechnica in Siechnice. Since 2000, it has been listed on the
Stock Exchange.
In 2024, in Siechnice, in place of the current coal-fired CHP plant, the company will
will launch a modern environmentally friendly gas unit, from which it will supply the
will supply the Siechnice municipality and the southern part of Wrocław with heat.
KOGENERACJA S.A. pays special attention to activities in the area of
Corporate Social Responsibility, ethics and Sustainable Development. The Company
actively engages in patronage of talented students and conducts
educational activities in fostering pro-environmental attitudes.