The war in Ukraine is increasing the humanitarian crisis in this part of Europe with every passing day. Thousands of people are losing their homes, being separated from their loved ones and fleeing to neighbouring countries to save their lives. The citizens of Ukraine are now, above all, in need of a shelter.

In recent days, we have worked intensively to prepare such safe places in Krzyżowa for those fleeing the war.

In agreement with the Governor of Lower Silesia and local municipal authorities, the Foundation provides accommodation for refugees from Ukraine.

We offer fully equipped rooms with access to a kitchen and sanitary facilities. Families will also have at their disposal a specially prepared room for children with toys and educational materials. We also offer pedagogical support for the youngest in our kindergarten and activities for older children.

If you need shelter or know someone who does, please contact our Refugee Action Coordinators:

- Dominik Całka, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +48 600 717 960
- Anna Ziemba-Kiepura, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +48 797 993 695

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