"Contemporary challenges, like those of thirty years ago, call for an united response. (...) This response must be dialogue, cooperation and solidarity. Due to the nature and scale of today's threats and challenges, we cannot cope with them by acting each only in our own interest, or against each other".

Fragment of the document of the Krzyżowa Foundation "THE PERPECTIVE OF KRZYZOWA. On The 30th Anniversary of the signing of the Polish-German Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation Treaty"


This Christmas is still not a time of calm. We are faced with successive crises and challenges. It pains us to see that in these difficult times we sometimes lose sight of other people.

Christmas is a celebration of faith, hope and love. Let us remember one another, the weak and the needy, let us be sensitive to the world around us. Let us celebrate full of hope for a better tomorrow and the strength to build it.

Management Board and employees of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe





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