The Working Group of Catholic Associations in Central and Eastern Europe (AKVMOE) and Auxiliary Bishop Dr. Reinhard Hauke ​​and Bishop Dr. Wolfgang Ipolt invite you to the conference "Polish-German-Czech Christian Dialogue" to be held in Görlitz on 9 and 10 November 2021. One of its panellists is dr hab. Robert Żurek, managing director of the Krzyżowa Foundation, who will take part in the discussion on the commitment of Christians to Europe.

During the conference, issues related to dealing with the wounds of the past and being a Christian in a secularized world will also be discussed. The invited guests will include: Dr. Jörg Lüer, Dr. Petr Křížek, Abbess Francesca Šimuniová OSB, Dr. Thomas Arnold, Dr. Karlies Abmeier and Prof. Rainer Bendel.

The program of the event (in German) can be found below.


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