On 5 December 2020, the online election of the members of the Council of the Krzyżowa Foundation for the new cadence took place. The most important body of the Foundation has a maximum of 24 members and is elected for a 5-year term. The new Council will be constituted at its first meeting, scheduled for spring 2021.

We warmly congratulate all those elected and wish them success, effective cooperation and many activities that will contribute to building dialogue and understanding by the Foundation.


The members of the Council of the Krzyżowa Foundation in the new cadence:

father Paweł Brożyniak SJ

Maryna Czaplińska

Prof. Waldemar Czachur

Dr. Maria Davydchyk

Dr. Andrea Genest

Irene Hahn-Fuhr

Dr. Matthias von Hülsen

Agnieszka Janik

Dorothee Jäckering

Ole Jantschek

Anna Kizeweter

Krzysztof Kubów

Arne Lietz

Daniel von Moltke

Dr. Marek Mutor

Dorota Nahrebecka-Sobota

Hans Jörg Neumann

Darius Polok

Bishop Waldemar Pytel

Grzegorz Stawarz

Joanna Szaflik-Homann

Prof. Pierre-Frédéric Weber

Anna Dorota Władyczka


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