We follow the developments in Belarus with great attention. We express our solidarity with all Belarusians who are standing up for dignity, freedom and democracy. Their courage and determination inspire our admiration and respect. We are filled with sadness and indignation by the fate of the repressed people. We hope that the European Union, the authorities of democratic states and international public opinion will effectively put pressure on the Belarusian authorities so that they cease violence and enter into dialogue with the society.

The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe was born in 1989 as a work of courageous people, citizens fighting for freedom, Polish-German reconciliation and overcoming the division of Europe. It is with all the more hope that we observe the uprising for freedom in Belarus and its civic, pro-European character. We believe that it will bring full freedom and democracy to Belarus and will be the beginning of the process of integration of this country with the European Union.

Soon we will celebrate the 40th anniversary of signing the August Agreements, this great victory of courage, solidarity and dialogue over conformism, fear and the logic of confrontation. Let this legacy of Polish Solidarity be a proof of the power of the voice of the citizens for Belarusians.

We are with you!

The Management Board of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe.


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