
August 2022

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Book donation from Metropol Publishing House

The Berlin-based publishing house Metropol Verlag has supported the Krzyzowa Foundation with awhole box of books hot off the press. The titles, which deal with aspects of the history of the 20thcentur... read more..

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Onboarding Memories Third workshop – 18-25 August 2022

Onboarding MemoriesThird workshop – 18-25 August 2022The third workshop of the Onboarding Memories project is already underway. After Germany and France, this one takes the participants to Treviso, read more..

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78th anniversary of 20 July 1944

78th anniversary of 20 July 1944 On 20 July 2022, Dominik Kretschmann took part in the commemorations on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of 20 July 1944 as head of the memorial of the Krzyzowa read more..

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