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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021

Usually, when you open something, the ribbon is cut. But we came up with the idea that there would be no cutting, only tying. Two groups of children with two ribbons in the colors of both countries read more..

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My Europe of Freedom. International Essay Competition. Online ideas workshop - 10-12.12.2020

The first online workshop (out of the three planned) took place on 10-12 December as part of the project "My Europe of Freedoms / Mein Europa der Freiheit / My Evropa Svobody". The main theme of th read more..

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Prof. Waldemar Czachur and Dr Robert Żurek in the group of "verdiente Versöhner" - persons of merit for German-Polish reconciliation

With real joy and pride we have received the information that the Chairman of the Council of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe - Professor Waldemar Czachur and the Managing read more..

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PROJECT || "Towards sustainable development in education and practice"

The year 2020, in addition to the many challenges we faced, also brought the Krzyżowa Foundation a lot of good. The small number of guests allowed us to focus on improving the operation of our center ... read more..

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Election of the new Council of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe

On 5 December 2020, the online election of the members of the Council of the Krzyżowa Foundation for the new cadence took place. The most important body of the Foundation has a maximum of 24 members read more..

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Robert Żurek "How Germany changed its course and broke with its negative policy towards Poland"

The 50th anniversary of Willi Brandt's visit to Warsaw, during which he paid tribute to the fallen Poles in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as to the Jews when he knelt down at the M... read more..

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Webinar || #Creatingspace: conspiracy theories - 25.11.2020

Since the beginning of the Corona pandemic, numerous explanations and conspiracy theories have been circulating on the Internet and in social media about the origins of the virus and how to deal wit read more..

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Crisis is also a search for new opportunities – 2020 at the Krzyżowa Foundation | Robert Żurek

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will remember 2020 as a very difficult year, as the time in which making plans for the future gave way to fear for our health and that of our loved ones, fear for wo read more..

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Welcome a new volunteer in Krzyżowa !

Since October there is a new volunteer with us – Alicja. Where did she came from? Why did she decide to come to Krzyżowa/Kreisau? What is her first impression? You can read all about it in her short read more..

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Inauguration of construction of an ecological garden in Krzyżowa - 3.12.2020

On the area between the moat and the Piława River, near the centre of the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe, there is an open field.But on 3 December, it began to change. By the read more..

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„Stories that Move". Project of the Krzyżowa Foundation and the Anne Frank House

The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe started a close cooperation with the Anne Frank House, a foundation located in Amsterdam and running a museum in the place where Anne Frank read more..

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The online debate || Polarisation - media fact or social reality? - 3 December 2020 [Audio recording]

Polarisation is a term we often use to describe attitudes and explain current events. But do we not abuse it to describe a complex social reality - which is far removed from the image created by the read more..

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Shalom. Pax. Salam. The integration potential of monotheistic religions for today's Europe - 25-27.11.2020

On 25 and 26 November, a unique online workshop organised by the Krzyżowa Foundation took place. The representatives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam reflected together on what their religious tra read more..

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Online debate || German reunification - reflection on the 30th anniversary - 19 November 2020 [audio recording]

This year, the 30th anniversary of German reunification is an opportunity to reflect on the political and social context of these events and their contemporary significance for Germany, Poland and the... read more..

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Online workshop || ( Un)peace 1945. What did the end of World War II bring?

Despite the difficult situation and remote teaching, we do not interrupt our educational work. As part of the project "(Un)peace 1945. What did the end of the Second World War bring?", we have just read more..

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Shalom. Pax. Salam. The integration potential of monotheistic religions for today's Europe - 25-27.11.2020

On 25-27 November, a unique, international project will start at the Krzyżowa Foundation. Its theme will be the integration potential of monotheistic religions for today's Europe. For the first time i... read more..

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The first meeting of the project partners „1990 / Year One. The democratic transformation in former Eastern - 12-.13.11.2020 Bloc countries”

On 12 and 13 November, first meeting of the project partners „1990 / Year One. The democratic transformation in former Eastern Bloc countries” took place. It was attended by representatives of the K read more..

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31st Anniversary of the Reconciliation Mass at Krzyżowa

On 12 November 1989, a holy mass was held in Krzyżowa, attended by Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki and German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. The mass, during which representatives of the Polish a read more..

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DODN seminar "Regional education (not) present in Lower Silesian schools"

The Lower Silesian Teacher Training Center in Wrocław is organizing an online seminar "Regional education (not) present in Lower Silesian schools". It is a meeting in the series "Thursdays in DODN – read more..

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Statement of the Management Board of the Krzyżowa Foundation in connection with the wave of protests following the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal

For several days, a wave of protests has been sweeping through Poland over the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal on the incompatibility of the current provisions on abortion with the Constitutio read more..

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||SAVE THE DATE|| Ceremonies commemorating Dr Ewa Unger - Wrocław, Krzyżowa, 13 March 2021

94 years ago, on 20 October 1926, in the Królewska Huta (since 1934 Chorzów), Ewa Elżbieta Unger was born - long-time president of the Wrocław Club of Catholic Intelligentsia, co-founder of the Krzy read more..

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Changes in the Board of the Kreisau-Initiative Association

Recently, personnel changes have taken place on the board of our very close partner, the Kreisau-Initiative Association from Berlin. After 10 years, Ole Jantschek resigned from the position of chair read more..

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Krzyżowa-Music. The 2020 edition was very extraordinary | Alexey Stadler

This year is crazy and unique in every way. Who could have predicted in January that the world would look completely different in the summer? After the massive cancellation of almost all concerts a read more..

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"Bibliodrama. Krzyżowa. Reconciliation" - 6-10.11.2020. EVENT CANCELED!

Unfortunately we have to inform that due to the spreading coronavirus epidemic an ecumenical, international bibliodramatic workshop in Krzyżowa has to be cancelled this year. . . .. . . . read more..

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(No)Peace 1945. What did the end of World War II bring? - Scenarios, podcasts, webinars

This year's 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War is an opportunity not only to celebrate the victory over Nazi Germany and the beginning of peaceful coexistence between the European n read more..

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7. The Intergenerational Open Cross-Country Reconciliation Runs - 3.10.2020

7. The Intergenerational Open Cross-Country Reconciliation Runs under the slogan "Family without Violence" took place at the Krzyżowa Foundation on October 3, 2020. It was also the Open Lower-Silesi read more..

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Welcome new volunteers to Krzyżowa!

In September, traditionally, we welcome new volunteers to Krzyżowa.Two new fantastic friends - Emma and Anna-Sofia - have been with us for several days. Where they came from, why they came to Krzyż read more..

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"Digital Pathways for Youth across" - Start of a series of workshops to improve students' digital competences

Students from the Technical School in Kłodzko have just started a series of specialist classes shaping their competences and digital skills. The workshops are held in Krzyżowa. During the workshops, p... read more..

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GlobART 2030 project - summary

We are approaching the end of the GlobART 2030 project, which consisted of 11 activities integrating the subject of the Sustainable Development Goals into the international exchange of young people read more..

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Support for Lower Silesian schools as part of projects financed from European funds

The Krzyżowa Foundation during the 2014-2020 programming period of the European Union actively participated in applying for funds for the implementation of educational projects addressed to students a... read more..

Results 1 - 30 of 125

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