On 25 April 2019 a conference opening this year's edition of the project "Tradition unites generations" took place in Krzyżowa. It was informative, funny, and sometimes also moving.
This first meeting with the participants was to a large extent informative and organizational, but also created an opportunity to get to know the Organizers and Seniors participating in the project.
The conference also included a lecture by Dr. Tomasz Skonieczny (European Academy of the "Krzyżowa" Foundation), thanks to which the participants deepened their knowledge about the history of Krzyżowa. There was also a meeting with a representative of the Police and a lawyer - it provided the Seniors with important information on how to effectively take care of their safety.
For the needs of the project, a subpage has been launched, on which up-to-date information and announcements concerning the implemented and planned activities will be posted on a regular basis.
Volunteers of the "Tradition unites generations" project
Offer of workshops within the project
Photo gallery
Projekt jest realizowany przez Fundację "Krzyżowa" dla Porozumienia Europejskiego ze środków Ministerstwa Rodziny, Pracy i Polityki Społecznej w ramach Rządowego Programu na rzecz Aktywności Społecznej Osób Starszych na lata 2014-2020