The "Triyou" trilateral meeting Krzepice-Marl-Dnipro took place in Krzyżowa on February 19th-23rd, 2024, as a new edition of a long lasting partnership between the three schools. There were meeting a group of 20 students from the Willy Brandt Gesamtschule in Marl, 20 students from the School complex in Krzepice (Zespół Szkół w Krzepicach), and 24 Students from the Ukrainian school "Steam" from Dnipro.
The topic of this exchange was intercultural cooperation and historical/political education. Besides from different activities to learn to know each other and language animation, the students were encouraged to cooperated while solving different team challenges. They were challengend by building the hihghest spagetti tower or a paper bridge and finally by constructing an object to make it possible to let an egg fall from the balcony of our Pałac without breaking it. As a standard in Krzyzowa, they discovered the history of the resistance group Kreisau Circle and the reconciliation mass that lead to the creation of the youth center. Dring this years excurions, the students could also visit the memorial place of the former concentration camp of Gross Rosen all together and also discover the history of the castle of Książ/Furstenstein and the tunnel complex "Riese" beneath it.
The meeting of the 64 young people was lead by the external youth worker Artur Wieczorek and the permanent youth worker Ioan Bengel.
The meeting was supported financialy by the German Polish Youth office (DPJW/PNWM) and the German consulate of Wrocław through the civil society cooperation program.