From November 6 to 11 2023, German studies students from Poland and Ukraine met with students from vocational schools in Germany at the IYMC Krzyżowa to get to know each other and exchange ideas on the topic of "Migration/Migration movements in Europe". The 43 participants traveled from Kraków (Jagiellonian University), Lviv (Ivan Franko National University) and Hannover (Alice Salomon School). The meeting took place for the second time in this trinational format. The language of the project was German in order to give the students from Kraków and Lviv the opportunity to practice their language skills. It was a very intensive week with many different workshops on the topic of "flight and migration", in which the participants actively took part with their own family migration stories, creative posters, role play, pantomime performances and discussions.

Evenings together with sports, campfire or celebrations in the castle basement were of course a must, as was a day trip to Wrocław. A highlight of the week was the meeting with the group of senior citizens from Świdnica, the "intercultural café" („kawiarenka międzykulturowa“), visiting Krzyżowa on the last day of the meeting, which was dedicated to the topic of "integration". The group of seniors usually meets every Wednesday and brings together people from Poland, Ukraine and Belarus. During the meeting, the young people of the exchange and the senior citizens had a very warm and emotional exchange of experiences of migration and integration in small groups. To make the communication in the small groups possible, the Polish and Ukrainian students' talent for translation was also required. Thank you very much for the intensive and respectful exchange!

The project was funded by:



International Youth Meeting Centre

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