From January 23 to 27, 28 students from Henriette Breymann Comprehensive School and Zespół Szkół Techniczno-Ekonomicznych met for the first time for an exchange in Kreisau. First on the agenda were integration games, language animation and getting to know the history and place of Krzyżowa. In workshops, the participants dealt with the topic "Identity - European Identity" and, as an "activist group", chose social topics that were particularly relevant to them and worked on them in small international groups.
The young people between 15 and 18 years of age exchanged their different perspectives and opinions in an intensive and open manner. The jointly organized leisure program in the evening (a German-Polish evening, joint dances, sports, disco) as well as an excursion to Wrocław supported the integration of the group, so that it was difficult to say goodbye at the end. Fortunately, a reunion in Wolfenbüttel is planned soon! Great that you were there and see you again!
Project coordination: Sarah Schumayer
Project funding: German-Polish Youth Office