It's been a busy week. From Thursday to Saturday (25-27th of February 2021), we had the pleasure to host the second workshop session as part of the International Essay Competition entitled "My Europe of Freedom". A total of 42 people from Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany participated in the history and literary workshops, of which 33 were young people aged 16-29 looking for an essay idea.

Historical workshops were conducted by: Dr. Tomasz Skonieczny ("Krzyżowa" Foundation), Andrea Böhm (Bildungswerk Sachsen) and Michael Urban. Literary workshops were conducted by Constanze John, Radosław Wiśniewski and Pavlína Hilscherova. The meeting, moderated by Adelajda Lebioda ("Krzyżowa" Foundation), was also an opportunity for an international exchange of thoughts on the events of the 1980s and 1990s, in the countries of the so-called Eastern Bloc. Everyone could share their reflection with others and thus answer the following questions: What reasons did society have to go out on the streets and fight against the system of that time? How do we view those events from today's perspective? What role did those events play on the way to the Europe we live in today?

On March 18-20, the third workshop session will take place, also online, this time under the direction of the Czech project partner: Shromáždění německých spolků v České republice.
We invite you to submit your applications via the website

The project is carried out under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, in partnership with:

  • Bildungswerk Sachsen der Deutschen Gesellschaft e.V
  • Shromáždění německých spolků v České republice (něm. Landesversammlung der deutschen Vereine in der Tschechischen Republik e.V.)

The project is financed by the European Union under the "Europe for Citizens" program.

The project sponsors are also:

  • Verbundnetz Gas AG
  • Sparkasse Leipzig


International Youth Meeting Centre

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