is a project for high-school students from Poland, Croatia and Germany on the role of women in the past and present.
During the project young people throw light on the topic of the secondariness of women’s role in post-war historiography. The example of women in resistance movements against National-Socialism during the Second World War lends a good starting point for such investigations. The participants get familiar with the biographies, letters and memories of the female members of resistance groups and this way will learn more about the inhuman Nazi regime. Interviews with women who were part of resistance during the Second World War or female relatives as well as with women who are active in resistance nowadays help deepen the knowledge about the lives of these women. Furthermore, the students critically examine the role of women in their national historiographies, as well as how and in which situations women experience discrimination nowadays. The young participants will get familiar with filming and interviewing during a film and interview training. They produce their own short movies that will help them to deepen the newly gained knowledge and present it to a broad audience.
Project structure
Part 1: 07.-13.05.2019 in Krzyzowa
Part 2: 07.-13.09.2019 in Trebnitz
Further information on the project from 2015 can be found on the project blog:
Organizer: Kreisa-Initiative e.V.
Partners and Sponsors
Krzyżowa Foundation for European Understanding, Poland
Schloß Trebnitz, Bildungs- und Begegnungszentrum e.V., Germany.
The project is co-financed by the Fondation Avec et pour autres as well as the German-Polish Youth Office.