How should the Krzyżowa Foundation behave in the face of the climate crisis, environmental degradation and deepening social and environmental problems? We believe that it has a duty to ask courageous questions, to criticise the exploitation of the planet and people, to seek constructive solutions for a better future, and to support attitudes of respect for nature, Earth's resources and solidarity with others.
The Foundation, which runs a large educational centre and hosts more than 10,000 people from many countries every year, has considerable possibilities for pro-ecological activities. At the same time, it is statutorily obliged to do so. The Statute recommends the implementation of tasks for, among others, "ecology and animal protection and protection of natural heritage". In addition, it defines as an objective of the Foundation "to stimulate and support activities aimed at the consolidation of a peaceful and tolerant coexistence of nations, social groups and individuals", while the climate crisis and environmental degradation are increasingly a threat to peace.
Read more: Our vision of ecology in Krzyżowa || Anna Dańkowska, Robert Żurek
The climate crisis and environmental degradation are among the greatest challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. The paradigm of economic growth at all costs, the spirit of consumerism, the attitude of greed and exploitation which man has applied to the Earth and its resources, as well as to the weaker ones, has led to ecological imbalances, environmental degradation, social inequality and climate change.
We are seeing the progressive effects of climate change all over the world. It can also be felt in our part of Europe: ever warmer winters, deeper droughts, and extreme weather phenomena such as heavy rainfall are occurring with increasing frequency.
The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, report in English, report in German) clearly shows that, if we do not take decisive steps towards a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, we could lead to irreversible, long-term effects, even leading to the loss of certain ecosystems.niektórych ekosystemów.
Read more: The climate crisis - what can we do? || Anna Dańkowska