On 25 and 26 November, a unique online workshop organised by the Krzyżowa Foundation took place. The representatives of Judaism, Christianity and Islam reflected together on what their religious traditions and experiences of interreligious dialogue can contribute to the integration of our society.

Participants active in various fields of activity - in science, education, media, NGOs and within their religious communities - discussed the role of religion in civil society, the presence of religion in the media, the integration and disintegration potential of each religious tradition in the social and political sphere, the principles of interreligious dialogue, as well as education on interreligious meetings. 

In the course of the discussion, three main areas have emerged where monotheistic religions can work together to build a culture of dialogue and thus contribute to overcoming the polarisation that can be observed at different levels in society. These areas are: education, understood above all as an education for respect and solidarity towards all people, regardless of their religion or origin; an information strategy on inter-religious dialogue and counteracting the one-sided negative image of religions that prevails in public opinion; structural and financial provision for the continuation of already existing projects and initiatives in the field of inter-religious dialogue.

The content discussed during the workshop will be collected in a study that will be published in 2021.

Nedal Abu Tabaq, Mufti of the Muslim League in the Republic of Poland, involved in many ways in interreligious and intercultural dialogue, was also to take part in the workshops. Unfortunately, he was prevented from doing so by illness. On the 29th of November Nedal Abu Tabaq died on Covid-19. The Krzyżowa Foundation received news of his death with great sadness.



  • dr Urszula Pękala, Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe
  • dr Robert Żurek, Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe

Logo: © Urszula Pękala


European Academy

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