What happened in May 1945? What is the memory of contemporary Polish people about the war and its end? These are just some of the many questions that historians are answering in specially prepared recordings, which you will soon be able to find on our website in the form of podcasts.
In connection with this year's 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, the Krzyżowa Foundation, in cooperation with the Silesian Institute, has prepared educational materials for school children and teachers, the aim of which is to present the broadest possible perspective on the events of 1945. One of the elements of the educational package will be podcasts with the participation of experts.
More details will follow soon!
Projekt „(Nie)pokój 1945. Co przyniósł koniec II wojny światowej?” realizowany jest w ramach programu Patriotyzm Jutra, organizowanego przez Muzeum Historii Polski i dofinansowany jest ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.