The Krzyżowa Foundation is launching an online workshop entitled: „’89. 30. years after the fall of the Iron Curtain” / „’89. 30 lat po upadku Żelaznej Kurtyny”.
The workshops are addressed to middle class students and their aim is to bring closer the changes that led to the breakthrough year 1989 and the fall of communism in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe.
During the workshops, young people will have the opportunity to learn not only the history of political, economic and social changes of the 1980s, but also the accounts of witnesses of these events - people involved in the activities of the democratic opposition - that will allow them to understand what hopes they associated with the fall communism in Poland.
Teachers who are interested in having their classes participate in the online workshops can contact dr. Tomasz Skonieczny, project coordinator, at: tomasz.skonieczny(at)krzyż
The project is implemented in cooperation with Post Bellum SK and Post Bellum CZ. It is co-financed by the governments of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through a grant from the International Visegrad Fund.