Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe, the Magyar Bibliodráma Egyesület (Hungarian Society for Bibliodrama), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bibliodrama (The German Society for Bibliodrama) and Polskie Towarzystwo Bibliodramy (The Polish Society for Bibliodrama) were organizers of an ecumenical, international bibliodramatic workshop in Krzyżowa from 4 to 8 August this year.
This year's 30th anniversary of the Reconciliation Mass in Krzyżowa, the beginnings of the Foundation Krzyżowa and the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War were for us above all an opportunity to reflect together more intensively on the theme of reconciliation. The issue was dealt with both in the theoretical part in the form of lectures and in the practical part, i.e. the bibliodramatic workshops.
- Bibliodramatic workshops conducted by a German-Polish-Hungarian team of trainers (Péter Pius Varga, Ewa Alfred, Dirk Harms and Henryka Czyż),
- Lectures from the following disciplines: theology, history, political science,
- Exploring Krzyżowa and its surroundings, visit to the Peace Church in Świdnica.
Programme Programme BIBLIODRAMA.pdf
Dominik Całka - Coordinator of the European Academy projects
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