It has been 30 years since the signing of the German-Polish Neighbourhood Treaty, which has facilitated relations between Poland and Germany on many different levels. Almost as long, young people have been supporting the Krzyżowa Foundation as volunteers. Initially, these were mainly young Germans doing their civilian service in Poland, in Krzyżowa, and later volunteers from Germany, Poland, Ukraine, but also from Portugal and Spain. The anniversary of the signing of the agreement was an opportunity to ask former volunteers what they remember from their stay in Krzyżowa and what they took away from that time.

Enjoy the film. [The film is available in Polish and German.]



The film was produced as part of the project "8 x reconciliation", whose partners are: Freya von Moltke Foundation and Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Project financed by: Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Wrocław, the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

8 x reconciliation - under this motto, together with our partners, we are organising 8 events that present and honour the effects of the Good Neighbour Treaty on different levels. The Treaty concluded between Poland and Germany on 17 June 1991 settled many of the contentious issues that divided the two countries and nations. It enabled an enormous increase in cultural, scientific and regional cooperation and laid the foundations for intensive cooperation between Poland and Germany.

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