It is an educational exhibition that tells the story of children who were 'stolen' from Central and Eastern European countries by the German occupation authorities during World War II and deported to Germany, where they were to be subjected to a process of Germanisation. It also points to contemporary examples of violations of children's rights and genocidal crimes involving the forced transfer of children to be raised by members of another group.

The exhibition is primarily aimed at school pupils aged 14-19, as well as teachers, who should be used as an educational aid during workshops on the history of the robbed children.

However, it can be presented independently - both to schoolgirls and schoolchildren who are not taking part in the workshops, and to an adult audience.

Thanks to a specially prepared guide, which points out the most relevant content presented in the exhibition and also suggests what visitors should pay attention to, the exhibition can be guided by both teachers and pupils (as part of peer education).

Selected exhibition boards include QR codes that link to additional texts on this website. The texts go into more detail on some of the issues highlighted in the panels or take up completely new topics.

The exhibition "Plundered. Uprooted" is a mobile exhibition, available in Polish.

It is presented in the Palace, on the second floor, right in front of the May Hall.

The Krzyżowa Foundation is also equipped with an English-language version of the exhibition, which can be made available upon request.



Exhibition lending
A Polish-language version of the exhibition is available for loan. Interested schools and institutions can contact Dr. Tomasz Skonieczny, curator of the exhibition, at: tomasz.skonieczny(at) [please replace 'at' with '@'].

The exhibition was created as part of the international educational project Uprooted - (Hi)Stories of Stolen Children during World War II, carried out in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Ukraine, thanks to the support of the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ) and the German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).

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