RAZEM/COOPERATION/INSIEME was at the end the motto of the Italian-Polish-German Youth Meeting (Saalfeld-Ropczyce-Grugliasco), which took place from 15 to 20 December. Due to the trilateral character, the participants themselves could live the European idea.
The young people from Italy, Poland and Germany visited the international youth meeting place and learned a lot about the history of Kreisaus. The legacy of the Kreisauer Kreis formed the historical framework for the meeting programme. During the student exchange, the complex topic of migration was approached thematically. The workshops offered the participants a platform to exchange ideas on topics such as the current situation, developments, causes and reasons for flight and expulsion. Above all from a global perspective. The historical debate on migration and the development of human rights played an important role.
The trilateral character of the meeting transports a perspective diversity for the discussion about migration and human rights. In this way the participants were sensitized to different opinions, perspectives and positions on the topics of flight and migration. There were also opportunities to get to know each other personally. Shortly before Christmas, Christmas cookies were baked in the kitchen. At the end of the meeting, as a contrast to the cold winter, real works of art were created with bright colours, which rounded off the meeting.
Project coordination: Charlotte Lohmann - specialist in educational projects of the IYMC in Krzyżowa
Funding: Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk (DPJW)