On 14th of June there was an online meeting entitled "Witnesses to the treaty". It was part of a series of "8 x Reconciliation" events on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Treaty of Good Neighbourhood.

Johannes Bauch - former German ambassador to Poland and prof. Jerzy Kranz - former Polish ambassador to Germany, talked about the difficulties in Polish-German relations at the end of the 1980s, which include, above all, the controversy around the border on the Oder and Neisse rivers, as well as the tedious negotiations of the 1990 border treaty and the treaty of good neighbourhood of 1991. Ambassador Bauch emphasized that Polish-German relations - despite the current political tensions - have surprisingly changed for the better over the last 30 years. Both guests agreed that the aforementioned treaties were created and still constitute a stable basis for Polish-German relations only thanks to the fact that people with outstanding diplomatic abilities and great political foresight have worked on their creation.

[the film is available in Polish and German language version]

The meeting was prepared in cooperation with the Freya von Moltke Foundation for the New Kreisau and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and financed by:

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