"Our common world - global education of children"– summary of activities so far
This is the third year of the project "Our common world - global education of children", so it is a good time to start summarizing it. (...)
Since 2018, a total of 27 school and preschool establishments from Świdnica, the rural municipality of Świdnica and the surrounding Lower Silesian municipalities, as well as several from Mazovia, have already participated in the project. Each of the 72 teachers took part in four 18-hour workshops on global education ethics, horizontal issues and building attitudes of responsibility, respect, openness and personal commitment, global education methodology, as well as participated in a task workshop where they polished their own global education methods.
Thus, we have at least 72 teachers in the region trained and inspired to introduce new quality of educational work in their institutions. In addition, we have managed to include global education as a subject for the credit of pedagogy students from the University of Warsaw, hoping that they, as future teachers, will introduce global education in their work with children from the beginning. As part of the project, a dozen or so new scenarios for working with pre-school and early-school children have already been developed, and more are being developed. All scenarios can be found on the project
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