On Wednesday, 27 October, we took part in a special walk. We followed the 'Paths of the Senses', which were discovered and prepared for us by artists participating in the Krzyżowa Art Residency. Thanks to their sensitivity to art and nature, Leonie Löhr from Germany and Dawid Okoński from Poland noticed exceptional places in our immediate surroundings. They created a series of installations which formed the "Paths of the Senses".

At the end of their residency, the artists guided us through the area, presenting their works and the unknown image of Krzyżowa.

It has been 30 years since the signing of the German-Polish Neighbourhood Treaty, which has facilitated relations between Poland and Germany on many different levels. Almost as long, young people have been supporting the Krzyżowa Foundation as volunteers. Initially, these were mainly young Germans doing their civilian service in Poland, in Krzyżowa, and later volunteers from Germany, Poland, Ukraine, but also from Portugal and Spain. The anniversary of the signing of the agreement was an opportunity to ask former volunteers what they remember from their stay in Krzyżowa and what they took away from that time.

Enjoy the film. [The film is available in Polish and German.]


On 14 October, another event in the framework of the project "8 x reconciliation" took place, which this time focused on Krzyżowa - the "Place of Reconciliation". Prof. Waldemar Czachur and Dr Gregor Feindt, authors of the book 'Kreisau | Krzyżowa 1945 - 1989 - 2019', tried to bring the listeners closer to the phenomenon of this unique place, which played such an important role for Polish-German relations in different periods of history.

We invite you to watch the video recording of the discussion, during which answers were given to questions such as: Why do thousands of young people visit the small Lower Silesian village of Krzyżowa every year? Why does this place inspire people from all over Europe? What was the Kreisau Circle? Why did Helmut Kohl and Tadeusz Mazowiecki choose this place for the Reconciliation Mass? How was the Krzyzowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe - one of the most important organisations for Polish-German relations after the Second World War - established?

In October, the second duo of artists is working in Krzyżowa as part of the project “Sztuka. Land. Art. ", the aim of which is to create a form of artistic expression that combines the values ​​of nature with the social aspect. The joint work is created by Leonie Löhr from Germany and Dawid Okoński from Poland. Soon we will provide information about the vernissage, during which you will be able to see the effect of their work, while we present the profiles of the artists.

Leonie Löhr  born 1989 in Lindau, Germany, is a sculptor and designer. She specializes in designing wooden furniture, but is also interested in sustainable construction, using natural materials such as wood or clay, and the project of the artistic residence in Krzyżowa allows her to deepen these interests. When painting with tempera, her gaze is determined by color sensations and tactile perception. Sensitive life plans in the context of climate change and body perceptions in the action space “nature” are the interfaces of her artistic work. Leonie lives and works in Leipzig.

Dawid Okoński - Theater Artist, emphasizing the therapeutic aspect of expression and mutual interaction in his artistic activities. Co-creating a space for dialogue and acceptance. He draws inspiration from the sources of theater and an anthroposophical approach. In his research he pays special attention to penetrating the dreaming space. Passionate about nature, shamanism and a holistic approach to human health. He works with drama techniques, teaches mindfulness, co-creates meetings in a circle according to indigenous traditions and carries out his own artistic experiments, socially engaged. Currently, he is learning to look after the land in the Mountains and focuses his energy on sowing the seeds of creative and long-term initiatives embedded in Nature.

From 24 August to 8 October, as a part of the project "8 x reconciliation", an exhibition "Neighbours in Europe" is presented in the courtyard of the palace in Krzyżowa. The exhibition was created on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Polish-German Treaty on Good Neighbourhood and Friendly Cooperation and presents the history of Polish-German relations from the Second World War until today. Its creators are: Centrum Historii Zajezdnia in cooperation with the city of Wrocław and the Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe.

The Treaty of Good Neighbourship and Friendly Cooperation was signed on 17 June 1991. It was the third element in a triad that built the foundations for a new quality of Polish-German relations, together with the Reconciliation Mass in Krzyżowa on 12 November 1989 and the Border Treaty of 1990.

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