The output of the "JustNow" strategic partnership is an interactive learning platform containing methodological-didactical materials of (historical) human rights education.

The interactive learning platform "JustNow" is designed to support teachers, youth workers and young peer educators to actively create and use learning approaches for human rights education, which are part of the MICC project:

In order to make the abstract subject of human rights accessible to young people and relate it to then own life situations, the learning platform offers different materials for different types of learners. The platform offers activity plans, exercises and timelines, as well as audiovisual content such as short animation movies which will help young people learn about human rights, diversity, basic democratic values and the rule of law independently or with the help of an educator. With the

innovative approach of small-scale learning modules, this toolbox allows everyone to implement needs-tailored, innovative and engaging educational workshops.

The project “JustNow – A Toolbox for Teaching Human Rights” was created in response to internal evaluations and requests put forward by organisations and schools that previously participated in the Model International Criminal Court (MICC) project. The aim of the “JustNow” strategic partnership was the development of methodological-didactical materials relating to human rights education, combined with simulation game and diversity learning in non-formal and formal youth educational work.


13 May 2024 from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm


International Youth Meeting Centre in Krzyżowa

More information:

Call for participants.pdf

But the most important of these things is love (1 Cor 13, 13b)
Krzyżowa / Kreisau Polska

Krzyżowa Fundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe
Foundation Bibliodrama Academy


The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe in cooperation with the Foundation Bibliodrama Academy would like to invite you to the European Bibliodrama Workshop, which will take place in Krzyżowa from 10-14 August 2024.

EBW is a meeting of bibliodrama leaders and people interested in bibliodrama from all over Europe. It is a time to exchange experiences and create joint plans for the development of bibliodrama in Europe. Workshops will be led by experienced European trainers and the programme also includes joint excursions, talks and discussions.

The event is open to all people irrespective of worldview and religious affiliation and also to those without bibliodramatic experience.

The project "Protest Art. Artistic Expressions of Protest Between Opposition, Civil Disobedience and Anarchy"  has been completed.



Organizer: The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe
Partner organization: Center for Art and Urban Planning, Berlin
Funding: Freya von Moltke Foundation




We invite you to the International Bibliodrama Workshop in Krzyzowa today - August 2024.
Each congress is an opportunity to meet leaders from Europe, learn new methods and experience bibliodrama in an international and multi-faith group of its enthusiasts.
Remember this date!






On 15-19 January, the first part of the French-Polish-German youth exchange on history and migration took place as part of the project 'Remembering together - for creating future'. This project takes the form of a tri-national exchange between Poland, France and Germany, whose main theme is historical education.

Due to the current pandemic situation, this phase of the exchange unfortunately had to take place online, but with different methods such as working with biographies from the museum Friedland as well as its history, language animation, energizer, joint virtual city tours and cooking, a pleasant atmosphere for getting to know each other and discussion could be created.

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